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Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich Pädagogik - Schulwesen, Bildungs- u. Schulpolitik, notice: 1,0, , Sprache: Deutsch, summary: Adorno claims that the discovery of the checklist disc alienates the character of song from human ontology. in response to him, human lifestyles and track can't exist except time and area. despite the fact that, globalization, internet 2.0 or social networking has proven, that human social lifestyles is more and more all in favour of overseas interplay. Even scholars' existence has replaced. The JIM examine discovered that ninety two% of German scholars (between the a while of 14 and 19) personal their very own smartphone(s). because of that truth, scholars may be able to percentage info with pals and eat media at any place and each time they wish. furthermore, scholars remodel way of life contents (in kind of images, movies, recordings) into narratives, via publishing and reading own info on social networks.

In comparability to that, turntablists remodel musical contents (in type of documents) into narratives, via analyzing and manipulating present documents. hence, media–technology has grew to become from a reproductive software right into a effective one. The technology-based formation of content material turned a part of each scholars' social existence and determines the way in which we pay attention, practice or compose track. Why did it no longer develop into a part of German song classes?

This paper goals to figure out the influence of technological growth on track schooling. the aim of the research is to stipulate how track schooling may possibly undertake song tradition, that is more and more pushed via technological swap. the next research relies at the assumption that new probabilities of technology–related tune construction cannot basically learn theoretically. for this reason it's important to probe how technology–based musicianship could be applied at faculties. regrettably, the constrained entry to empirical information (concerning faculties' gear etc.) doesn't permit to boost concrete instructing recommendations. however, the constructed conceptions may well function strategy that may be formed in keeping with diversified education–settings.

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Impact of technology on music education. How digital musicianship could change music-making at schools (German Edition) by Anonym

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